テストメインプログラム | |
using System; using Microsoft.SPOT; using System.Threading; // 追加 using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware; // 追加、参照設定にも追加 using GHI.OSHW.Hardware; // 追加、参照設定にも追加 using System.IO.Ports; using BoeBotLib; // com1--p36 // com2--p28 // com3--p32 namespace AzimusMotion { public class Program { static DigitalOut LED = new DigitalOut(FEZCerberus.Pin.PC1, false); public static void Main() { uOLED96G1 LCD = new uOLED96G1(); // LCDオブジェクトCOM2を用いる HMC5883L compass = new HMC5883L(); L3G4200D gyro= new L3G4200D(); String str; while (true) { LED.Write(true); double degree=compass.Read(); // 測定する gyro.Read(); LED.Write(false); LCD.EraseScreen(); str = Std.sprintf("X:%5d", compass.X); LCD.Print(0, 0, str, Color.White); // 左上に表示させる str = Std.sprintf("Y:%5d", compass.Y); LCD.Print(0, 15, str, Color.White); str = Std.sprintf("Z:%5d", compass.Z); LCD.Print(0, 30, str, Color.White); str = Std.sprintf("Deg:%6.1f", degree); LCD.Print(0, 45, str, Color.Red); str = Std.sprintf("X:%5d", gyro.X); LCD.Print(0, 60, str, Color.Green); str = Std.sprintf("Y:%5d", gyro.Y); LCD.Print(0, 72, str, Color.Green); str = Std.sprintf("Z:%5d", gyro.Z); LCD.Print(0, 84, str, Color.Green); CPU.delay(100); } } public static void Main1() { uOLED96G1 LCD = new uOLED96G1(); // LCDオブジェクトCOM2を用いる int x = -123; double y = 45.67; char ch = 'A'; String s = "String"; int hex = 0xabcd; LCD.Print(Std.sprintf("test %5d", x)); LCD.Print(Std.sprintf("%8.3f", y)); LCD.Print(Std.sprintf("ch %c", ch)); LCD.Print(Std.sprintf("%s", s)); LCD.Print(Std.sprintf("hex %5x", hex)); } } } |
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I2CBusクラス | |
using System; using Microsoft.SPOT; using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware; using System.Threading; using BoeBotLib; // 複数のI2Cデバイスを同じポートを使用するためのクラス namespace BoeBotLib { public class I2CBus : IDisposable { private static I2CBus _instance = null; // 排他制御のためのオブジェクト private static readonly object LockObject = new object(); public static I2CBus GetInstance() { lock (LockObject) { if (_instance == null) _instance = new I2CBus(); return _instance; } } // 実際に用いるデバイス private I2CDevice _slaveDevice; private I2CBus() { this._slaveDevice = new I2CDevice(new I2CDevice.Configuration(0, 0)); } public void Dispose() { this._slaveDevice.Dispose(); } // 複数のデータを送信する場合 public bool Write(I2CDevice.Configuration config, byte[] writeBuffer, int transactionTimeout) { // i2cデバイス設定をつくる _slaveDevice.Config = config; I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] writeXAction = new I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] { I2CDevice.CreateWriteTransaction(writeBuffer) }; // 排他制御をする lock(_slaveDevice) { // データを転送する int transferred = _slaveDevice.Execute(writeXAction, transactionTimeout); // データが正しく転送されたかチェックする if (transferred != writeBuffer.Length) { return true; // throw new Exception("Could not write to device."); } } return false; } // 複数のデータを読み込む場合 public void Read(I2CDevice.Configuration config, byte[] readBuffer, int transactionTimeout) { // i2cデバイス設定をつくる _slaveDevice.Config = config; // 読み込み設定 I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] readXAction = new I2CDevice.I2CTransaction[] { I2CDevice.CreateReadTransaction(readBuffer) }; lock (_slaveDevice) { // データを転送する int transferred = _slaveDevice.Execute(readXAction, transactionTimeout); // データが正しく転送されたかチェックする if (transferred != readBuffer.Length) throw new Exception("Could not read from device."); } } // レジスタを読むだけの場合 public void ReadRegister(I2CDevice.Configuration config, byte register, byte[] readBuffer, int transactionTimeout) { byte[] registerBuffer = {register}; Write(config, registerBuffer, transactionTimeout); Read(config, readBuffer, transactionTimeout); } // レジスタから複数データを書き込む場合 public bool WriteRegister(I2CDevice.Configuration config, byte register, byte[] writeBuffer, int transactionTimeout) { byte[] buffer = new byte[writeBuffer.Length + 1]; buffer[0] = register; int i = 0; foreach (byte x in writeBuffer) buffer[i++ + 1] = x; bool bad = Write(config, buffer, transactionTimeout); return bad; } // レジスタに1byteだけ書き込む場合 public bool WriteRegister(I2CDevice.Configuration config, byte register, byte value, int transactionTimeout) { byte[] writeBuffer = {register, value}; return Write(config, writeBuffer, transactionTimeout); } } } |
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HMC5883L.cs | |
using System; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.SPOT; using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware; namespace BoeBotLib { public class HMC5883L { const byte HMC5883L_ADDRESS = 0x1E; private I2CDevice.Configuration _slaveConfig; private const int TransactionTimeout = 1000; //ms private const byte ClockRateKHz = 100; // プロパティ public byte Address { get; private set; } public int X { get; private set; } public int Y { get; private set; } public int Z { get; private set; } public HMC5883L() { Address = HMC5883L_ADDRESS; _slaveConfig = new I2CDevice.Configuration(Address, ClockRateKHz); // 8-average,15Hz default, normal measurement mode while (I2CBus.GetInstance().WriteRegister(_slaveConfig, 0, 0x70, TransactionTimeout)) { // 転送エラーが解消されるまで頑張る CPU.PanicLED(); Thread.Sleep(300); } // Gain=5 I2CBus.GetInstance().WriteRegister(_slaveConfig, 1, 0xa0, TransactionTimeout); } public double Read() { I2CBus.GetInstance().WriteRegister(_slaveConfig, 0x02, 0x01, TransactionTimeout); Thread.Sleep(6); // get MSB and LSB result byte[] data = new byte[6]; I2CBus.GetInstance().Read(_slaveConfig, data, TransactionTimeout); int y = ((short)(data[0] << 8)) | (short)data[1]; Y = ((short)(data[2] << 8)) | (short)data[3]; int x = Z = ((short)(data[4] << 8)) | (short)data[5]; X = y; double dir = -1; if (x > y && x != 0) dir = System.Math.Atan((double)y / x); else if (y != 0) dir = System.Math.Atan((double)x / y); double degree = dir * 180 / System.Math.PI; if (x >= 0) { if (y >= 0) { if (x > y) dir = degree; else dir = 90 - degree; } else dir = 360 + degree; } else { if (y < 0) { if (x > y) dir = 180 + degree; else dir = 270 - degree; } else dir = 90 - degree; } return dir; } } } |
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L3G4200D.cs | |
using System; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.SPOT; using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware; namespace BoeBotLib { public class L3G4200D { const byte L3G4200D_ADDRESS = 0x69; private I2CDevice.Configuration _slaveConfig; private const int TransactionTimeout = 1000; //ms private const byte ClockRateKHz = 100; short[] mean = new short[3]; // プロパティ public byte Address { get; private set; } public int X { get; private set; } public int Y { get; private set; } public int Z { get; private set; } public L3G4200D() { Address = L3G4200D_ADDRESS; _slaveConfig = new I2CDevice.Configuration(Address, ClockRateKHz); // 帯域幅25Hz I2CBus.GetInstance().WriteRegister(_slaveConfig, 0x20, 0x1F, TransactionTimeout); I2CBus.GetInstance().WriteRegister(_slaveConfig, 0x21, 0x00, TransactionTimeout); I2CBus.GetInstance().WriteRegister(_slaveConfig, 0x22, 0x00, TransactionTimeout); // 出力レジスタはMSB,LSBが更新されないと最新にしない I2CBus.GetInstance().WriteRegister(_slaveConfig, 0x23, 0x80, TransactionTimeout); I2CBus.GetInstance().WriteRegister(_slaveConfig, 0x24, 0x00, TransactionTimeout); int[] average = { 0, 0, 0 }; for(int i=0;i<mean.Length;i++) mean[i]=0; // キャリブレーションのために平均を求める for(int i=0; i<30;i++) { Read(); average[0] += X; average[1] += Y; average[2] += Z; } for (int i = 0; i < average.Length; i++) mean[i] = (short)(average[i] / 30); } public void Read() { // bit7は自動アドレスインクリメント。これをしないと一気読みができない I2CBus.GetInstance().Write(_slaveConfig, new byte[] { 0xA8 }, TransactionTimeout); // get MSB and LSB result byte[] data = new byte[6]; I2CBus.GetInstance().Read(_slaveConfig, data, TransactionTimeout); X = (((short)(data[1] << 8)) | (short)data[0])-mean[0]; Z = (((short)(data[3] << 8)) | (short)data[2])-mean[1]; Y = (((short)(data[5] << 8)) | (short)data[4])-mean[2]; } } } |
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