Class Task


public abstract class Task
extends LinkedListItem

A task that is run whenever there are free cycles.

To create a new task, you should make a subclass of this class and implement the execute() and wait() methods.

Field Summary
 Task nextTask
 int state
          State of the task.
Fields inherited from class stamp.util.LinkedListItem
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void enterExecute()
          Change the task to the STATE_READY state.
 void enterWait()
          Change the task to the STATE_WAITING state.
abstract  void execute()
          Perform a period task.
 void stop()
          Change the task to the STATE_STOPPED state.
abstract  void wait()
          If a task is waiting for an event to occur this is a chance for the task to change its state.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

Field Detail


public Task nextTask


public int state
State of the task. Initialized to STATE_READY so the task will execute as soon as possible.
Constructor Detail


public Task()
Method Detail


public abstract void execute()
Perform a period task. All subclasses must implement this method. An idle task is executed whenever the GUI is idle. Implementations of execute() should not block to ensure that the interface remains responsive.


public abstract void wait()
If a task is waiting for an event to occur this is a chance for the task to change its state.


public void enterWait()
Change the task to the STATE_WAITING state. Tasks in this state will have their wait() method called periodically.


public void enterExecute()
Change the task to the STATE_READY state. Tasks in this state will have their execute() method called periodically.


public void stop()
Change the task to the STATE_STOPPED state. Tasks in this state will not execute at a all.